The Nichols Family
Our Family's Journey......

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Wow it is crazy to think that 2 months has gone by since our sweet little Finley joined us. I have posted a few random pictures of her, Joci and Noah. (most from christmas).
Finley is doing wonderful. She continues to grow and be such a spoiled little diva! :) She loves to be held, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I often get asked what she weighs now, and to be honest we haven't taken her in, because everyone at the doctor is sick. I feel she is safer at home! :) She does however have a double chin! :0 Joci and Noah continue to love ms. finley to pieces. It is hard for me to come to terms with this being our last baby because she is such a snuggle bug. I love it!
We are ready for summer at the Nichols house. It has been a long winter already and it is only January. We are leaving in 2 weeks for a week long vacation to disney. We can't wait. I will post more pictures soon. We hope your new year is as amazing as ours has been!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Saturday November 20th
Sorry I haven't been very good at keeping this blog updated. It has been a crazy week at our house and I haven't had a second to get on the computer.
Thursday was a big day for Finley. She moved to a crib, because she was able to hold her own body temperature for the entire morning. She also got to start wearing clothes. This was a big deal for her mommy who loves to shop. I had her hospital dresser stocked with cute new outfits. She looks so happy in all of her snuggly new sleepers.
Finley continues to plug away on eating. She is now botteling 6 or her 8 feedings a day. She gets the other 2 through a feeding tube. She has also started to breast feed and is doing great with that. It is a challenge to make it up to the hospital during her feedings, but one of us tries to be there as often as we can.
We are thankful for weekends and the fact that this next week is Thanksgiving. It allows us to be up at the hospital more. It is not easy having 2 kids at home and her in the hospital. I am feeling like I am spreading myself thin no matter where I am.
We hope for Finley to come home shortly after Thanksgiving. She is a "feeder grower" baby in the Nicu and that is what she has to do to get to come home. The doctor said she just needs to be more consistant with her feedings, and she has to gain some more weight. So please keep her in your prayers. We can't wait to bring the little princess home.
Thursday was a big day for Finley. She moved to a crib, because she was able to hold her own body temperature for the entire morning. She also got to start wearing clothes. This was a big deal for her mommy who loves to shop. I had her hospital dresser stocked with cute new outfits. She looks so happy in all of her snuggly new sleepers.
Finley continues to plug away on eating. She is now botteling 6 or her 8 feedings a day. She gets the other 2 through a feeding tube. She has also started to breast feed and is doing great with that. It is a challenge to make it up to the hospital during her feedings, but one of us tries to be there as often as we can.
We are thankful for weekends and the fact that this next week is Thanksgiving. It allows us to be up at the hospital more. It is not easy having 2 kids at home and her in the hospital. I am feeling like I am spreading myself thin no matter where I am.
We hope for Finley to come home shortly after Thanksgiving. She is a "feeder grower" baby in the Nicu and that is what she has to do to get to come home. The doctor said she just needs to be more consistant with her feedings, and she has to gain some more weight. So please keep her in your prayers. We can't wait to bring the little princess home.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November 16th
Well one week ago today my water broke and Ms. Finley decided to make her grand entrance about 8 hours later. After one week we couldn't be more proud of her and her progress.
Finley has now gained weight the last 3 days so she should continue to climb. She is now weighing in at 4 pounds. They usually gain about a 1/2 of an ounce a day. She is still bottling 4 times a day and is now up to 27 cc (30 is an ounce). She has gotten to increase on that everyday to, so hopefully by the end of the week she will be at full volume. She receives her other 4 feedings through her NG tube. They don't want her to work to hard on eating so that is why she is only doing 4. She also got her IV removed yesterday, because she is no longer receving fluids.
We are thining that she will go into a crib any day now, but when they change her orders the changes are slow. They don't want to disrupt her by changing too many things at once. But it would be nice to see her dressed and in a crib. It makes going home seem one step closer.
I did visit with her nurse last night about requirements to go home. She told me that they do have to be at least 36 weeks to get to go home, and they like them to be close to 5 pounds. They have to be close to 5 pounds because that is what a standard car seat carries. If they are less than that they have to have a special car seat. So we are praying for her to come home right after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving day would be 36 weeks.
Things are going pretty well at home. We want to thank everyone for their help and support for our family during this time. We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that have helped us in so many ways.
Noah decided that this would be a great week to get sick, so that has been challenging. We pray that he gets better soon, so we don't have to worry so much about bringing germs to Finley. Sometimes I wonder about the timing of these things. I just have to keep reminding myself to take things a day at a time. That is all we can do at this point.
Well I will post more pictures soon. Hopefully of Finley dressed and in her crib. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
Finley has now gained weight the last 3 days so she should continue to climb. She is now weighing in at 4 pounds. They usually gain about a 1/2 of an ounce a day. She is still bottling 4 times a day and is now up to 27 cc (30 is an ounce). She has gotten to increase on that everyday to, so hopefully by the end of the week she will be at full volume. She receives her other 4 feedings through her NG tube. They don't want her to work to hard on eating so that is why she is only doing 4. She also got her IV removed yesterday, because she is no longer receving fluids.
We are thining that she will go into a crib any day now, but when they change her orders the changes are slow. They don't want to disrupt her by changing too many things at once. But it would be nice to see her dressed and in a crib. It makes going home seem one step closer.
I did visit with her nurse last night about requirements to go home. She told me that they do have to be at least 36 weeks to get to go home, and they like them to be close to 5 pounds. They have to be close to 5 pounds because that is what a standard car seat carries. If they are less than that they have to have a special car seat. So we are praying for her to come home right after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving day would be 36 weeks.
Things are going pretty well at home. We want to thank everyone for their help and support for our family during this time. We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that have helped us in so many ways.
Noah decided that this would be a great week to get sick, so that has been challenging. We pray that he gets better soon, so we don't have to worry so much about bringing germs to Finley. Sometimes I wonder about the timing of these things. I just have to keep reminding myself to take things a day at a time. That is all we can do at this point.
Well I will post more pictures soon. Hopefully of Finley dressed and in her crib. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Baby Finley
On Wednesday November 10th at 2:50 in the morning Ms. Finley Ann Nichols made her way into the world. She was 6 weeks early, but ready to enter the world. She came out crying and screaming.
Finley is still in the NICU, but is doing extremly well. She is on room air, eating some of her feedings through a bottle, and she has discontinued all medications. Finley is still losing weight and will probably do so for a few more days. As of now she is weighing in at 3lbs 13oz down only 1 ounce since she was born. She will have to stay in her giraffe bed until she is up to 4 pounds. At that time she can maintain her own body temperature and go into a crib.
We pray for things to continue to go well for her, and hopefully she can come home soon. Joci is so excited to bring her home, and Noah doesn't really care. He just misses his mommy. It is a trying time for us going back and forth to visit her, and trying to maintain a "normal" life at home. Shawn and I continue to plug along and take things one day at a time. Please keep Finley in your prayers. We know she can't wait to meet each and everyone of you.
I will try to update this ever couple of days so that you can check in on her progress. Here are some pictures of our newest little princess!
Finley is still in the NICU, but is doing extremly well. She is on room air, eating some of her feedings through a bottle, and she has discontinued all medications. Finley is still losing weight and will probably do so for a few more days. As of now she is weighing in at 3lbs 13oz down only 1 ounce since she was born. She will have to stay in her giraffe bed until she is up to 4 pounds. At that time she can maintain her own body temperature and go into a crib.
We pray for things to continue to go well for her, and hopefully she can come home soon. Joci is so excited to bring her home, and Noah doesn't really care. He just misses his mommy. It is a trying time for us going back and forth to visit her, and trying to maintain a "normal" life at home. Shawn and I continue to plug along and take things one day at a time. Please keep Finley in your prayers. We know she can't wait to meet each and everyone of you.
I will try to update this ever couple of days so that you can check in on her progress. Here are some pictures of our newest little princess!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
32 Weeks and Counting
Well Noah celbrated his 3rd birthday yesterday which was wonderful for 2 reasons. Reason 1 he is 3! Reason 2 I have offically made it further during this pregnancy than I did with Noah. We are 32 weeks tomorrow! We couldn't be more excited, but obviously we still have some time to go. We are measuring right on, which is not usually the case for us. We usually measure small. This may be our biggest baby yet. I can not wait for the next few weeks to fly by so we can meet this little peanut. We don't know what we are having, and I can't wait to find out. I have no idea what it is and whatever I guess is usually wrong. Shawn thinks it is a girl, but I am not sure what his reason is for that. It may be that I have been crazy crabby this pregnancy. Oh well either way we don't care. We are just praying for a full term healthy baby! (NO NICU)
We have lot to accomplish before this baby comes, and that includes moving. We are planing on moving the end of November the begining of December. It will be niced to be settled before the baby comes. I will post pictures of Noah's birthday when I get some free time. He had so much fun! It was great to see him really get into it this year. He loved everything he got, and he loved that the day was all about him. It was a wonderful day!
We have lot to accomplish before this baby comes, and that includes moving. We are planing on moving the end of November the begining of December. It will be niced to be settled before the baby comes. I will post pictures of Noah's birthday when I get some free time. He had so much fun! It was great to see him really get into it this year. He loved everything he got, and he loved that the day was all about him. It was a wonderful day!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Celebrating Jack's 4th Birthday
It is hard to believe that 4 years ago today our baby Jack was born. We celebrate his birthday every year so that his memory lives on. Jack is still a huge part of our family. He has birthday parties, he gets a new Christmas ornament on our tree every year, and a stocking that hangs by the fire! We are so thankful for all the people that help keep Jack's memory alive.
Our family tradition on Jack's birthday is to go to Kidtopia (a toy store) and buy gifts for children at the Children's Home Society. We also celebrate every year by having cupcakes and balloons (4 this year) and singing happy birthday to Jack. My parents have made it a tradition to send us a movie, treats, and a pizza for us to enjoy as a family. It really is a great way for us all to celebrate together in remembering our little angel. We miss you Jack. Many tears were shed today, but every year we celebrate Jack's birthday we are one year closer to meeting him in heaven. We feel that heaven is a little sweeter with him there. We also want to thank family and friends for their donations to charitable organizations in Jack's honor. It means the world to us.
Movie this year! How to Train a Dragon!
Our family tradition on Jack's birthday is to go to Kidtopia (a toy store) and buy gifts for children at the Children's Home Society. We also celebrate every year by having cupcakes and balloons (4 this year) and singing happy birthday to Jack. My parents have made it a tradition to send us a movie, treats, and a pizza for us to enjoy as a family. It really is a great way for us all to celebrate together in remembering our little angel. We miss you Jack. Many tears were shed today, but every year we celebrate Jack's birthday we are one year closer to meeting him in heaven. We feel that heaven is a little sweeter with him there. We also want to thank family and friends for their donations to charitable organizations in Jack's honor. It means the world to us.
Movie this year! How to Train a Dragon!
Noah enjoying the cupcakes!
The kids making dinner! Yummy pizza!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
An Early Halloween Weekend
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I love decorating and dressing up the kids.
This year Joci really wanted to be a peacock and Noah didn't really care what he was. After stressing out about finding a peacock costume we finally stumbled upon one at gymboree! Our goal for Noah was just to find something that was cute, but most of all warm. So there you have it our 2010 Haloween is complete with a puppy and a peacock!
Every year we try to do the Halloween hike at the outdoor campus. The kids love it. They get to dress up and walk around the outdoor campus and listen to skits. At the end they get to roast smores and make crafts! So here are a few pictures from the weekend!
Halloween Hike at the Outdoor Campus! We are making Smores and enjoying them!
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